The nequip workflow

The nequip workflow has three steps:

  1. Training: nequip-train

  2. Testing: nequip-train

  3. Deploying: nequip-deploy

  4. Using deployed models: Integrations


The core command in nequip is nequip-train, which takes in a YAML config file defining the dataset(s), model, and training hyperparameters, and then runs (or restarts) a training session. Hydra is used to manage the config files, and so many of the features and tricks from Hydra can be used if desired. nequip-train can be called as follows.

$ nequip-train -cp full/path/to/config/directory -cn config_name.yaml

Note that the flags -cp and -cn refer to the “config path” and “config name” respectively and are features of hydra’s command line flags. If one runs nequip-train in the same directory where the config file is located, the -cp part may be omitted. Note also that the full path is usually required if one uses -cp. Users who seek further configurability (e.g. using relative paths, multiple config files located in different directories, etc) are directed to the “command line flags” link to learn more.

Under the hood, the Hydra config utilities and the PyTorch Lightning framework are used to facilitate training and testing in the NequIP infrastructure. One can think of the config as consisting of a set of classes to be instantiated with user-given parameters to construct objects required for training and testing to be performed. Hence, the API of these classes form the central source of truth in terms of what configurable parameters there are. These classes could come from

Users are advised to look at configs/tutorial.yaml to understand how the config file is structured, and then to look up what each of the classes do and what parameters they can take (be they on torch, Lightning or nequip’s docs). The documentation for nequip native classes can be found under Python API.

Checkpointing behavior is controlled by Lightning and configuring it is the onus of the user. Checkpointing can be controlled by flags in Lightning’s trainer and can be specified even further with Lightning’s ModelCheckpoint callback.

One can continue training from a checkpoint file with the following command

nequip-train -cp full/path/to/config/directory -cn config_name.yaml ++ckpt_path='path/to/ckpt_file'

where we have used Hydra’s override syntax (++). Note how one must still specify the config file used. Training from a checkpoint will always use the model from the checkpoint file, but other training hyperparameters (dataset, loss, metrics, callbacks, etc) is determined by the config file passed in the restart nequip-train (and can therefore be different from that of the original config used to generate the checkpoint).

Note that the working directories are managed by Hydra, and users can configure how these directories behave, as well as pass these directories to Lightning objects (e.g. so that model checkpoints are saved in the Hydra generated directories). Visit Hydra’s output/working directory page to learn more.


Testing is also performed with nequip-train by adding test to the list of run parameters in the config. Testing requires test dataset(s) to be defined with the DataModule defined by the data key in the config.

There are two main ways users can use test.

  • One can have testing be done automatically after training in the same nequip-train session by specifying run: [train, test] in the config. The test phase will use the best model checkpoint from the train phase.

  • One can run tests from a checkpoint file by having run: [test] in the config and using the same command as restarts in the command line, that is,

nequip-train -cp full/path/to/config/directory -cn config_name.yaml ++ckpt_path='path/to/ckpt_file'

One can use nequip.train.callbacks.TestTimeXYZFileWriter (see API) as a callback to have .xyz files written with the predictions of the model on the test dataset(s). (This is the replacement for the role nequip-evaluate served before nequip version 0.7.0)


Once you have trained a model, you must deploy it to create an archive of its trained parameters and metadata that can be used for simulations and other calculations:

nequip-deploy build -ckpt_path path/to/ckpt_file -out_file path/to/deployed_model

One can inspect the deployed model with the following command

nequip-deploy info path/to/deployed_model

Using deployed models

…to run simulations and other calculations

There are many ways a deployed model can be used. Most often it can be used for moelcular dynamics and other calculations in LAMMPS. For integrations with other codes and simulation engines, see Integrations.

…at a low level in your own code

While LAMMPS, or other integrations should be sufficient for the vast majority of usecases, deployed models can also be loaded as PyTorch TorchScript models to be called in your own code:

import torch
from import AtomicData, AtomicDataDict
from nequip.scripts.deploy import load_deployed_model, R_MAX_KEY

device = "cpu"  # "cuda" etc.
model, metadata = load_deployed_model(

# Load some input structure from an XYZ or other ASE readable file:
data = AtomicData.from_ase(""), r_max=metadata[R_MAX_KEY])
data =

out = model(AtomicData.to_AtomicDataDict(data))

print(f"Total energy: {out[AtomicDataDict.TOTAL_ENERGY_KEY]}")
print(f"Force on atom 0: {out[AtomicDataDict.FORCE_KEY][0]}")