
NequIP Model

nequip.model.NequIPGNNModel(**kwargs) GraphModel

NequIP GNN model that predicts energies and forces (and stresses if cell is provided).

  • seed (int) – seed for reproducibility

  • model_dtype (str) – float32 or float64

  • r_max (float) – cutoff radius

  • per_edge_type_cutoff (Dict) – one can optionally specify cutoffs for each edge type [must be smaller than r_max] (default None)

  • type_names (Sequence[str]) – list of atom type names

  • num_layers (int) – number of interaction blocks, we find 3-5 to work best (default 4)

  • l_max (int) – the maximum rotation order for the network’s features, 1 is a good default, 2 is more accurate but slower (default 1)

  • parity (bool) – whether to include features with odd mirror parity – often turning parity off gives equally good results but faster networks, so it’s worth testing (default True)

  • num_features (int) – multiplicity of the features, smaller is faster (default 32)

  • radial_mlp_depth (int) – number of radial layers, usually 1-3 works best, smaller is faster (default 2)

  • radial_mlp_width (int) – number of hidden neurons in radial function, smaller is faster (default 64)

  • num_bessels (int) – number of Bessel basis functions (default 8)

  • bessel_trainable (bool) – whether the Bessel roots are trainable (default False)

  • polynomial_cutoff_p (int) – p-exponent used in polynomial cutoff function, smaller p corresponds to stronger decay with distance (default 6)

  • avg_num_neighbors (float) – used to normalize edge sums for better numerics (default None)

  • per_type_energy_scales (float/List[float]) – per-atom energy scales, which could be derived from the force RMS of the data (default None)

  • per_type_energy_shifts (float/List[float]) – per-atom energy shifts, which should generally be isolated atom reference energies or estimated from average pre-atom energies of the data (default None)

  • per_type_energy_scales_trainable (bool) – whether the per-atom energy scales are trainable (default False)

  • per_type_energy_shifts_trainable (bool) – whether the per-atom energy shifts are trainable (default False)

  • pair_potential (torch.nn.Module) – additional pair potential term, e.g. nequip.nn.pair_potential.ZBL (default None)